In some companies the responsibility of a fleet manager is a legacy and bears a clear job description. Yet with others, the function has evolved into something different than when the fleet manager was hired. In yet another it is a new job to be created for the first time.
Many, if not all, know that their company hosts a fleet of vehicles. Few know what it takes to manage it. Even when the job description is defined for the first time, there is probably someone within the company who already has specific responsibilities within his wider remit.
Today’s fleet manager
Also to be considered is the evolution of the mandate of the fleet manager. It goes far beyond just the technical and administrative management of the fleet. Often, if not mandatory, we expect from our fleet manager that he presents detailed reports and budgets, revises fleet policies and conducts analysis on a regular basis like:
- lease comparisons
- monitoring the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
- evaluating the evolution of the market and technical characteristics of vehicles
- analysis of vehicles that perform well, and which are not …
In formalising the position of a fleet manager, there are skills and experiences that are inherent to the job. What they exactly are depends on his the place in the hierarchy, what type of fleet he’s managing and who he is reporting to.
When drafting a job description for recruitment at Fleetexpert, we use no less than these three categories:
- Tasks and responsibilities
- Qualifications (education, background, experience)
- Competencies and specifications
Remember that for a position as fleet manager experience plays a much bigger role than formal training. By experience Fleetexpert knows how to make a appropriate selection and introduce you to your future colleague in no time.